Historical Genomics Lab
Historical Genomics Lab
Our lab focuses on carrying out innovative community-center anthropological genetics projects, with a focus in ancient DNA. We encourage critical reflection and learning with in the laboratory space.
Our Post-PCR Laboratory is housed in the Life Sciences Center at Dartmouth Colelge, and consists of all necessary equipment to carry out DNA extraction, amplification, and quantification. We currently collaborate with the University of Connecticut's Ancient DNA Laboratories to carryout low-template DNA projects. We have access to Dartmouth's High Performance Computing through the Discovery cluster, which compromises 160 compute nodes (6000+ cores) and 12.5TB of memory.
Ancient DNA Lab
Beach Hall,
University of Connecicut
Post PCR Lab
Life Sciences Center,
Dartmouth College
We are currently accepting applications for graduate students through Dartmouth's EEES Graduate Program.
We are also considering Undergraduate Research Assistants and Post-Doctoral Researchers.
If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact me by email with a description of your research interests.