Historical Genomics Lab
Peer-Reviewed (Click on the Title for PDF download):​
2024. Fleskes, R., Johnson, S., Honap, T., Abin, C., Gilmore, J., La’Sheia Oubré, L., Bueschgen, W., Abel, S., Ofunniyin, A., Lewis, C., Schurr, T. Oral Microbial Diversity in 18th Century African individuals from South Carolina. Communications Biology 7, 1213. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-024-06893-0.
2024. Gilmore, J., Oubré, L., Fleskes, R., Schurr, T.G. The Anson Street African Burial Ground Project. Archaeology Month 2024: Preserving African American Spaces. Kelly Goldberg, K., & Young, S. (Eds.). Digital Story Map Project, University of South Carolina Public Heritage Lab. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/a644108325234c328066b2a21ee9729c
2024. Gilmore, J., Ofunniyin, A., Oubré, L., Fleskes, R., Schurr, T.. “The Dead have been Awakened in the Service of the Living” – Activist Community-Engaged Archaeology in Charleston, SC. American Antiquity. 89.2, 165-184. https://doi:10.1017/aaq.2023.105
2023. Fleskes, R. E., Cabana, G. S., Gilmore, J., Juarez, C., Karcher, E., Oubré, L., Mishoe, G., Ofunniyin, A. A., Schurr, T. G. Community Engaged Ancient DNA Project Reveals Diverse Origins of 18th Century African and African descendants in Charleston, South Carolina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120(3), e2201620120.
2023. Fleskes, R. E., Owsley, D. W., Bruwelheide, K. S., Griffith, D. R., Cabana, G. S., & Schurr, T. G. Historical genomes elucidate European settlement and the African diaspora in Delaware Report Historical genomes elucidate European settlement and the African diaspora in Delaware. Current Biology, 33, 1- 9.
2022. Fleskes, R. E.,* Bader, A. C.,* Tsosie, K. S., Wagner, J. K., Claw, K. G., Garrison, N. A. Ethical Guidance in Human Paleogenomics: New and Ongoing Perspectives. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics.*Both authors contributed equally
2021. Fleskes, R. E., Ofunniyin, A. A., Gilmore, J., Poplin, E., Abel, S. M., Bueschgen, W. D., Suarez, C., Cabana, G. S., Schurr, T. G. Ancestry, Health, and Lived Experiences of Enslaved Africans in 18th Century Charleston: An Osteobiographical Analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
2019. Fleskes, R. E., Bruwelheide, K. S., West, F. L., Owsley, D. W., Griffith, D. R., Barca, K. G., Cabana, G. C., Schurr, T. G. Ancient DNA and bioarchaeological perspectives on European and African diversity and relationships on the colonial Delaware frontier. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 170(2), 232–245.
Book Chapters:
2022. Fleskes, R., A Place through Time: Avery’s Rest and the Emergence of Delaware from colonial Frontier to Borderland Space. In: Liebeknecht, B. and Barile, K., editors. The Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Delaware.
2022. Fleskes, R. & Schurr, T., Ancient DNA at Avery’s Rest. In: Liebeknecht, B. and Barile, K., editors. The Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Delaware.
2018. Owsley, D., Bruwelheide, K., Barca, K., Reidy, S., Fleskes, R. Lives Lost: What Burial Vault Studies Reveal About Eighteenth-Century Identities. In: Stone P, editor. Bioarchaeological Analyses and Bodies. Springer.​
2020. Fleskes, R. The Tip of the Iceberg: Structural Violence in the Archaeological Record. The Thinking Republic Magazine.